Events/Competitions: This club organizes Robotic events and competitions, which increases the technical knowledge
and skills in the field of robotics.
From a different view these events and competitions also encourages the interest,
teamwork and logical thinking among the students.
The Club often organizes small or moderate scale robotic events as well as competitions
within IIT Bhilai. Large scale events/Tech-Fests has been organized during Meraz jointly by the ‘Sci-Tech Council’, IIT Bhilai, in which all the
Sci-Tech Clubs would participate.
Meraz is IIT Bhilai's first techno-cultural fest. It was held from 11th to 13th November 2022.
Meraz emerged out as a successful fest which had a participation of huge amount of students from different IIT's as well as other colleges.
Three large-scale events/ competitions were conducted on the grounds of IIT Bhilai during Meraz. This includes :Robo Soccer and Robo Kabaddi.
For further information , Please Click Here.
Updates 2022 by Ratnakar Gautam (Contact: +91-9044906728 )